March 24, 2023

Latest - Version 1.3.0

Threat.Zone Static Scan is Live!

Since we begin we only scanned the files in a sandbox, which we call dynamic scan. From now on, you can scan your files statically too! It is much faster, it can do static code analysis on your sample and returns with a comprehensive report.

New Scan Page UI!

Since we’ve added new functionality to our system, which is Static Scan, we want our scan page to be much more flexible. Check it out at this link!

Automatic Hash Detection at Submissions

We had a search bar where you choose the hash type and type the hash, click the search button blah blah. Now just copy and paste the hash to the search table, and you are good to go!

New Submissions Page UI!

Public and My Submissions pages are critical for us and our users cause’ it is the place where you discover new malware samples. So we thought that maybe we can create a better experience by adding filtering to labels and doing minor UI changes. You can check it out and give us feedback!

Re-Analyze Submission Has a Brand New Experience Right Now!

Since we add Static Scan to our system, it was obvious that re-analyze should change too. We changed the whole experience about it and right now you can scan both statically and dynamically a submission, depending on their size/extension too.

Download Samples from Public API!

We had the functionality of downloading the sample from the UI but one of our API users told us that it would be awesome to have this functionality in Public API too, so we added it!


  • PCAP Analyzer is tracking network requests much more precisely right now.

Bug Fixes

  • There were some extension problems while trying to install additional files from Public API, fixed.
  • Listing submissions from the Public API functionality had some problems with MIMETypes, fixed.