October 3, 2024

Static Malware Analysis vs Dynamic Malware Analysis - Comparison Chart

Learn about the main differences between static and dynamic malware analysis with their pros and cons to understand why both are essential.

When it comes to automated malware analysis, two approaches dominate the conversation: static malware analysis and dynamic malware analysis. Understanding both techniques with their pros and cons can help cybersecurity professionals make informed decisions in their fight against malware. 

What is Static Malware Analysis?

Static malware analysis is the process of studying the code of malware without running it. This means, experts are looking at how the malware is built and what it’s designed to do, all without actually letting it execute on a computer. It is like understanding a recipe from an already-cooked food without knowing the recipe.

Static Malware Analysis [see sample]

By examining the malware’s code, security experts can figure out what is the purpose of the file, how it is built, what actions it might take on a device, and what its overall goal or purpose is. Some common techniques used in static malware analysis include:

  • Disassembling: In the disassembly phase, static analysis  converts the binary code into human-readable assembly language instructions. This allows understanding the low-level operations and logic employed by the malware.
  • Decompiling: This technique takes executable files and converts them into high-level code that’s easier for people to understand.
  • File Format Analysis: It involves examining the structure and content of a file to ensure it complies with its expected format. This helps detect malicious alterations, hidden code, or embedded threats within the file.

Static malware analysis helps experts quickly identify and understand malware without the risk of running it on a system. Of course, there are limitations to it such as; neither detecting runtime behavior nor dynamically generating code cannot be done. It may be ineffective against heavily obfuscated or encrypted malware and requires expertise to interpret results accurately which is a time consuming job.

What is Dynamic Malware Analysis?

Dynamic malware analysis is the process of running malware in a secure, controlled environment, like a sandbox, to observe how it behaves in real-time. Think of it like putting an infectious virus into a bio lab to study its actions safely. By actually running the malware, security experts can see the full range of its activities and better understand how it works.

Dynamic Malware Analysis [see sample]

Unlike static malware analysis, where the malware code is studied without running it, dynamic malware analysis reveals how the malware behaves when it’s active. This method gives a clearer picture of the malware’s real-world impact, making it easier to detect and stop its harmful effects. Some key things experts look for during dynamic malware analysis might include:

  • Network Activity: Suspected file might be a stealer type of malware that sends crucial victim data to a command-and-control server or a downloader type of malware that downloads additional malicious files when it runs. By tracking these connections, analysts can identify the locations (IP addresses) the malware communicates to and what kind of data it is sending or receiving.
  • File System Changes: Malware often tries to hide its presence by creating, modifying, or deleting files on the infected system. During dynamic malware analysis, analysts check to see if the malware creates any new files, changes existing ones, or deletes important data. This helps to understand whether the malware is trying to steal information, damage files, or install additional malicious software.
  • Process Manipulation: Malware often interacts with other processes running on the system, such as system utilities or security software. During dynamic malware analysis, experts observe how the malware interacts with the other processes. It might try to disguise itself by injecting another process, disable antivirus programs, or take over legitimate system processes to avoid detection.

This type of analysis is crucial for identifying a wide range of malicious actions a malware can take, and it’s especially useful for detecting advanced threats that may hide or disguise their activities. By observing the malware’s behavior in a controlled setting, experts can gather valuable information to develop defense strategies, such as creating rules to block the similar malware from breaching into the system or learning how to remove it from already infected systems.

Dynamic malware analysis offers a practical and hands-on way to understand what a malware does in real-time, making it an essential tool in modern cybersecurity.

Comparison Chart: Static Malware Analysis vs Dynamic Malware Analysis

Static vs Dynamic Malware Analysis

Static vs Dynamic Malware Analysis

Components Static Malware Analysis Dynamic Malware Analysis
Execution Required? No. You don’t need to run the malware. Yes. It requires running the malware in a sandbox or isolated environment.
Speed Faster than dynamic malware analysis because it doesn’t need execution time. Slower as you need to observe the malware’s behavior in real-time.
Scope of Insight Provides insight into the structure and potential capabilities of the malware but may not reveal actual runtime behavior. Reveals the actual behavior of the malware, including hidden or conditional actions that may not be visible in static malware analysis.
Evasion Risk Malware that uses obfuscation or encryption and anti-analysis methods can bypass static malware analysis. Some malware can detect virtual environments or sandboxes and alter their behavior, making dynamic malware analysis less effective.
Depth of Analysis Useful for detecting known malware and identifying indicators of compromise (IOCs) but struggles with polymorphic malware. Offers deeper insights into real-world behavior but may miss certain nuances without a long enough observation period.
Common Tools Tools like IDA Pro, Ghidra, and Radare2 are widely used for reverse engineering and code analysis. Tools like Threat.Zone, Joe Sandbox, and Any.Run are used for observing malware behavior in an isolated environment.
Skill Requirement Requires expertise to execute reverse engineering and knowledge of disassembly/decompilation tools for correct analysis. Needs expertise in setting up and controlling sandbox environments and interpreting behavioral data.
Automation Can be automated easily and integrated into workflows for large-scale malware screening, such as automated signature matching and rule-based detections. Automation is possible but costly, requiring infrastructure and automation of monitoring behaviors, network activity, and file changes.
Use Case Ideal for quick identification and processing of large volumes of malware, or when network access is restricted. Best suited for investigating sophisticated malware that uses techniques like evasion, timing attacks, or requires interaction with a live environment.
Impact on System No direct impact, since the malware isn't executed. The malware runs in a contained environment, but there’s a risk of partial escape if the sandbox is not properly isolated or secured. A clean system needs to be re-established after each analysis.
Output Type Produces technical data like API calls, code patterns, file hashes, and other static properties. Outputs behavior-based data like file system changes, process creations, network connections, and registry modifications.
Threat Detection/Threat Indicators Identifies known malware variants and static indicators of compromise (IOCs), but may miss new or heavily obfuscated threats. Detects new, unknown malware behaviors and evasion tactics, offering deeper insights into the actual impact on the system.

Why Both Static Malware Analysis and Dynamic Malware Analysis Are Essential

Every day, threat actors are developing methods that can prevent them from being detected, or analysts are developing detection methods that can reveal these hiding methods. An analyst or an institution must follow all these day by day, update the products they have, change the analysis environment, add new tools, and wait for analysts to specialize in detecting new methods. Or, they can get advanced malware insights directly using Threat.Zone. While static malware analysis provides quick insights, initial detection and can be automated with low operational cost, it can miss important details hidden by obfuscation techniques. Dynamic malware analysis, on the other hand, reveals the real-time behavior of malware but can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. 

A well-rounded malware analysis approach combines both techniques. Static malware analysis can flag potential threats for deeper inspection, while dynamic malware analysis can confirm and expand on the initial findings. By using a holistic approach and using both methods, security teams can build a more robust defense against malware attacks.

For a comprehensive solution, consider using Threat.Zone. Threat.Zone not only supports both static malware analysis and dynamic malware analysis but also offers emulation and CSI - Crime Scene Investigation tool for hands-on malware analysis. Take your malware analysis to the next level - Register to Threat.Zone today and start using it for free!